Daniel was an avid ham radio enthusiast and editor of the Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club newsletter. The Club has dedicated this month’s cover to Daniel, who will remain Editor Emeritus for many years to come.

To view The Blurb club newsletters edited by Daniel, visit this link, beginning May 2021. He did a lot of great writing - both notes from the editor along with articles each month. It was a great passion of his, and the community he joined has been supportive and loving to Daniel and his family through the past few years.

The Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club collects donations to fund college scholarships to ham radio operators. A scholarship fund in Daniel’s name is being created so that he can - through you - continue to give back to his community. If you are inclined, please donate below to help fund a Scholarship in Daniel’s name.

More information can be found on the Club website: https://www.phil-mont.org/scholarships/